Spiritually Speaking With Liz
Spiritually speaking is a motivational, uplifting podcast. I will be chatting about all things Spiritual from meditation, mediums and manifesting, tarot and divination, blocks and mind monkeys to crystals, aromatherapy, yoga, chakras, well being, mindfulness, repeating numbers, signs, and just about anything else you can think of.
Grab yourself a drink, get comfortable and press play! Love Liz x If you have any questions, ideas, things you'd like me to cover then drop me a line at:
Email: spirituallyspeaking222@gmail.com
Instagram: @spirituallyspeakingwithLiz
Facebook: spirituallyspeaking222
Music by: Happy Upbeat Corporate | WORK by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVAMusic promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.comCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licensehttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US
Spiritually Speaking With Liz
Season 1 Finale
As we wrap up season 1, I have a little recap on what we have covered and who we have met. I share what can only be called as miraculous healing of my shoulder and a hint of what't to come in the next season
Grab a cuppa and join me!
Gilly's facebook group is called: ourmenopauseripon
Sue care works from the East Riding of Yorkshire and also on zoom, you can contact her at email: hypnocare111@gmail.com
Instagram: SueCareHolistictherapist
Facebook: Sue Care Hypnotherapy and Holistic Therapies
You can contact me at the usual details:
email: spirituallyspeaking222@gmail.com
Instagram: spiritually_speaking_222
Facebook: spirtuallyspeaking222
Youtube: LizzyHill222